Publications - Water networks
Bart De Schutter
Note: If the pdf file (pdf) of the technical report that
corresponds to a given publication is available, then this is indicated at the
end of the entry for that publication.
- A.D. Sadowska, J.M. Maestre, R. Kassing, P.J. van Overloop, and B. De
Schutter, "Predictive control of a human-in-the-loop network system
considering operator comfort requirements," IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 53, no.
8, pp. 4610-4622, Aug. 2023. (online paper,
abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- R. Ranjbar, A. Sadowska, J.M. Maestre, P.J. van Overloop, and B. De
Schutter, "Predictive control of irrigation canals considering well-being
of operators," Proceedings of the 22nd IFAC World
Congress, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 731-736, July 2023. (online
, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- A. Castelletti, A. Ficchì, A. Cominola, P. Segovia, M. Giuliani, W.
Wu, S. Lucia, C. Ocampo-Martinez, B. De Schutter, and J.M. Maestre, "Model
predictive control of water resources systems: A review and research
agenda," Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 55, pp.
442-465, 2023. (online
, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- R.C. Kassing, B. De Schutter, and E. Abraham, "Optimal control for
precision irrigation of a large-scale plantation," Water
Resources Research, vol. 56, no. 10, Oct. 2020. Article
e2019WR026989. (online paper
, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf)) [see also: supplement]
- R.C. Kassing, B. De Schutter, and E. Abraham, "Supporting information for
"optimal control for precision irrigation of a large-scale plantation","
Tech. report, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, Oct.
2020. (abstract, bibtex, report
(pdf)) [see also: original
- P.J. van Overloop, J.M. Maestre, A.D. Sadowska, E.F. Camacho, and B. De
Schutter, "Human-in-the-loop model predictive control of an irrigation
canal," IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 35,
no. 4, pp. 19-29, Aug. 2015. (online paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- A. Sadowska, P.-J. van Overloop, J.M. Maestre, and B. De Schutter,
"Human-in-the-loop control of an irrigation canal using time instant
optimization model predictive control," Proceedings of
the 2015 European Control Conference, Linz, Austria, pp. 3279-3284,
July 2015. (online paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- A. Sadowska, B. De Schutter, and P.-J. van Overloop, "Delivery-oriented
hierarchical predictive control of an irrigation canal: Event-driven
versus time-driven approaches," IEEE Transactions on
Control Systems Technology, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 1701-1716,
2015. (online
paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- A. Sadowska, P.J. van Overloop, C. Burt, and B. De Schutter, "Hierarchical
MPC-based control of an irrigation canal," in Transport
of Water versus Transport over Water - Exploring the Dynamic Interplay
Between Transport and Water (C. Ocampo-Martinez and R. Negenborn,
eds.), Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 169-187, 2015. (online
version, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- A. Sadowska, P.-J. van Overloop, C. Burt, and B. De Schutter, "Hierarchical
operation of water level controllers: Formal analysis and application on a
large scale irrigation canal," Water Resources
Management, vol. 28, no. 14, pp. 4999-5019, Nov. 2014. (online paper,
abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- B. Dekens, A.D. Sadowska, P.J. van Overloop, D. Schwanenberg, and B. De
Schutter, "Gradient-based hybrid model predictive control using time
instant optimization for Dutch regional water systems," Proceedings of the 2014 European Control Conference,
Strasbourg, France, pp. 1343-1348, June 2014. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- A. Sadowska, B. De Schutter, and P.-J. van Overloop, "Hierarchical control
of irrigation canals in the presence of disturbances: Framework and
comparison," Proceedings of the 2014 European Control
Conference, Strasbourg, France, pp. 1349-1354, June 2014. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- A. Sadowska, B. De Schutter, and P.-J. van Overloop, "Event-driven
hierarchical control of irrigation canals," Proceedings
of the USCID Seventh International Conference on Irrigation and
Drainage, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 457-471, Apr. 2013. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- J.M. Maestre, L. Raso, P.J. van Overloop, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed
tree-based model predictive control on a drainage water system," Journal of Hydroinformatics, vol. 15, no. 2, pp.
335-347, 2013. (online paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- H. van Ekeren, R.R. Negenborn, P.J. van Overloop, and B. De Schutter,
"Time-instant optimization for hybrid model predictive control of the
Rhine-Meuse Delta," Journal of Hydroinformatics,
vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 271-292, 2013. (online paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Control of a string of identical pools using
non-identical feedback controllers," IEEE Transactions on
Control Systems Technology, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1638-1646, Nov.
2012. (online
paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "A robust feasibility problem for the design of a
reference governor," Proceedings of the 2012 American
Control Conference, Montréal, Canada, pp. 6745-6750, June
2012. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- J.M. Maestre, L. Raso, P.J. van Overloop, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed
tree-based model predictive control on an open water system," Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference,
Montréal, Canada, pp. 1985-1990, June 2012. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Stability and performance analysis of an
irrigation channel with distributed control," Control
Engineering Practice, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1147-1156, Oct.
2011. (online
paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Fixed-profile load scheduling for large-scale
irrigation channels," Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World
Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 1570-1576, Aug.-Sept. 2011. (online
paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- H. van Ekeren, R.R. Negenborn, P.J. van Overloop, and B. De Schutter,
"Hybrid model predictive control using time-instant optimization for the
Rhine-Meuse Delta," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE
International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Delft,
The Netherlands, pp. 216-221, Apr. 2011. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- P.J. van Overloop, R.R. Negenborn, D. Schwanenberg, and B. De Schutter,
"Towards integrating water prediction and control technology," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on
Networking, Sensing and Control, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 80-85,
Apr. 2011. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Control of a string of identical pools using
non-identical feedback controllers," Proceedings of the
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, pp.
120-125, Dec. 2010. (online paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- Y. Li, J. Alende, M. Cantoni, and B. De Schutter, "Decomposition of a
fixed-profile load scheduling method for large-scale irrigation channels,"
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on
Control Applications, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 2166-2171, Sept.
2010. (online
paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Performance analysis of irrigation channels with
distributed control," Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE
International Conference on Control Applications, Yokohama, Japan,
pp. 2148-2153, Sept. 2010. (online paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and P.-J. van Overloop, "Coordination of
local controllers in large-scale water systems," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
Hydroinformatics (HIC 2010), Tianjin, China, pp. 2178-2185, Sept.
2010. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- P.J. van Overloop, R.R. Negenborn, S.V. Weijs, W. Malda, M.R. Bruggers, and
B. De Schutter, "Linking water and energy objectives in lowland areas
through the application of model predictive control," Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on
Control Applications, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 1887-1891, Sept.
2010. (online
paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- M.D. Doan, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "An improved distributed
version of Han's method for distributed MPC of canal systems," Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems:
Theory and Applications, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, July
2010. (online
paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- S. Leirens, J.M. Giraldo, R.R. Negenborn, and B. De Schutter, "A pattern
search method for improving the operation of sewer systems," Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems:
Theory and Applications, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, pp. 591-596,
July 2010. (online
paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- S. Leirens, C. Zamora, R.R. Negenborn, and B. De Schutter, "Coordination in
urban water supply networks using distributed model predictive control,"
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control
Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, pp. 3957-3962, June-July
2010. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Offtake feedforward compensator design for an
irrigation channel with distributed control," Proceedings
of the 2010 American Control Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, pp.
3747-3752, June-July 2010. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- P.J. van Overloop, R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and N.C. van de Giesen,
"Predictive control for national water flow optimization in The
Netherlands," Chapter 17 in Intelligent
Infrastructures (R.R. Negenborn, Z. Lukszo, and H. Hellendoorn,
eds.), vol. 42 of Intelligent Systems, Control and
Automation: Science and Engineering, Dordrecht, The Netherlands:
Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-3598-1, pp. 439-461, 2010. (online
version, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- R.R. Negenborn, A. Sahin, Z. Lukszo, B. De Schutter, and M. Morari, "A
non-iterative cascaded predictive control approach for control of
irrigation canals," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San
Antonio, Texas, pp. 3652-3657, Oct. 2009. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- R.R. Negenborn, P.-J. van Overloop, and B. De Schutter, "Coordinated
distributed model predictive reach control of irrigation canals," Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009,
Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1420-1425, Aug. 2009. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- R.R. Negenborn, P.-J. van Overloop, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter,
"Distributed model predictive control of irrigation canals," Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 4, no. 2, pp.
359-380, June 2009. (online paper, abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
- R.R. Negenborn and B. De Schutter, "A distributed model predictive control
approach for the control of irrigation canals," Proceedings of the International Conference on Infrastructure
Systems 2008: Building Networks for a Brighter Future, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands, 6 pp., Nov. 2008. Paper 152. (abstract, bibtex, tech.
report (pdf))
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Last update: February 3, 2025.