Publications - Multi-level, multi-agent, and distributed control

Bart De Schutter

Note: If the pdf file (pdf) of the technical report that corresponds to a given publication is available, then this is indicated at the end of the entry for that publication.

  1. A. Riccardi, L. Laurenti, and B. De Schutter, "A generalized partitioning strategy for distributed control," Proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Milan, Italy, Dec. 2024.  (abstractbibtex)

  2. S. Mallick, F. Airaldi, A. Dabiri, and B. De Schutter, "Multi-agent reinforcement learning via distributed MPC as a function approximator," Automatica, vol. 167, p. 111803, Sept. 2024.  (online paper  [open access]abstractbibtex)

  3. T. Tao, S. Roy, B. De Schutter, and S. Baldi, "Adaptive synchronization of uncertain underactuated Euler-Lagrange agents," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 3912-3927, June 2024.  (online paperabstractbibtex)

  4. X. Liu, A. Dabiri, Y. Wang, and B. De Schutter, "Real-time train scheduling with uncertain passenger flows: A scenario-based distributed model predictive control approach," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 4219-4232, May 2024.  (online paper  [open access]bibtex)

  5. T. Tao, S. Roy, B. De Schutter, and S. Baldi, "Distributed adaptive synchronization in Euler Lagrange networks with uncertain interconnections," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 1081-1088, Feb. 2024.  (online paperbibtex)

  6. X. Liu, A. Dabiri, Y. Wang, and J. XunB. De Schutter, "Distributed model predictive control for virtually coupled heterogeneous trains: Comparison and assessment," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024. To appear.  (bibtex)

  7. D. Yue, S. Baldi, J. Cao, and B. De Schutter, "Model reference adaptive stabilizing control with application to leaderless consensus," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024. To appear.  (online paperbibtex)

  8. D. Yue, S. Baldi, J. Cao, Q. Li, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed adaptive resource allocation: An uncertain saddle-point dynamics viewpoint," IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 2209-2221, Dec. 2023.  (online paperbibtex)

  9. D. Sun, A. Jamshidnejad, and B. De Schutter, "Optimal sub-references for setpoint tracking: A multi-level MPC approach," Proceedings of the 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 9411-9416, July 2023.  (online paper  [open access]bibtex)

  10. M. Lv, B. De Schutter, and S. Baldi, "Non-recursive control for formation-containment of HFV swarms with dynamic event-triggered communication," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 19, no. 3, Mar. 2023.  (online paperbibtex)

  11. J. Fransman, J. Sijs, H. Dol, E. Theunissen, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed Bayesian: A continuous distributed constraint optimization problem solver," Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, vol. 76, pp. 393-433, Jan. 2023.  (online paper  [open access]bibtex)

  12. X. Wang, S. Baldi, X. Feng, C. Wu, H. Xie, and B. De Schutter, "A fixed-wing UAV formation algorithm based on vector field guidance," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 179-192, Jan. 2023.  (online paperbibtex)

  13. Y. Wang, S. Zhu, S. Li, L. Yang, and B. De Schutter, "Hierarchical model predictive control for on-line high-speed railway delay management and train control in a dynamic operations environment," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 2344-2359, Nov. 2022.  (online paperabstractbibtex)

  14. D. Yue, S. Baldi, J. Cao, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed adaptive optimization with weight-balancing," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 2068-2075, Apr. 2022.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  15. S. Liu, A. Sadowska, and B. De Schutter, "A scenario-based distributed model predictive control approach for freeway networks," Transportation Research Part C, vol. 136, p. 103261, Mar. 2022.  (online paperbibtex)

  16. M. Lv, B. De Schutter, C. Shi, and S. Baldi, "Logic-based distributed switching control for agents in power-chained form with multiple unknown control directions," Automatica, vol. 137, p. 110143, Mar. 2022.  (online paper  [open access]bibtex)

  17. C. Orozco, A. Borghetti, B. De Schutter, F. Napolitano, G. Pulazza, and F. Tossani, "Intra-day scheduling of a local energy community coordinated with day-ahead multistage decisions," Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, vol. 29, Mar. 2022. Paper 100573.  (online paperbibtex)

  18. U. Todorovic, J.R.D. Frejo, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed MPC for large freeway networks using alternating optimization," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1875-1884, Mar. 2022.  (online paperbibtex)

  19. N. Wu, D. Li, Y. Xi, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed event-triggered model predictive control for urban traffic lights," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 4975-4985, Aug. 2021.  (online paperbibtex)

  20. J. Fransman, J. Sijs, H. Dol, E. Theunissen, and B. De Schutter, "The distributed Bayesian algorithm: Simulation and experimental results for a cooperative multi UAV search use-case," Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop and Optimization and Learning in Multiagent Systems (OptLearnMAS 2020), Virtual conference, May 2020.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  21. J. Fransman, J. Sijs, H. Dol, E. Theunissen, and B. De Schutter, "Bayesian-DPOP for continuous distributed constraint optimization problems," Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS'19), Montreal, Canada, pp. 1961-1963, May 2019.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  22. W. Ananduta, T. Pippia, C. Ocampo-Martinez, J. Sijs, and B. De Schutter, "Online partitioning method for decentralized control of linear switching large-scale systems," Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 356, no. 6, pp. 3290-3313, Apr. 2019.  (online paperbibtex)

  23. M. Faris, A. Núñez, Z. Su, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed optimization for railway track maintenance operations planning," Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2018), Maui, Hawaii, Nov. 2018.  (online paperbibtex)

  24. J. Fransman, J. Sijs, H. Dol, E. Theunissen, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed constraint optimization for autonomous multi AUV mine counter-measures," Proceedings of the OCEANS 2018, Charleston, South Carolina, 7 pp., Oct. 2018.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  25. J. Fransman, J. Sijs, H. Dol, E. Theunissen, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed constraint optimization for continuous mobile sensor coordination," Proceedings of the 2018 European Control Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, pp. 1100-1105, June 2018.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  26. R. Luo, T.J.J. van den Boom, and B. De Schutter, "Multi-agent dynamic routing of a fleet of cybercars," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1340-1352, May 2018.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  27. A. Jamshidnejad, G. Gomes, A.M. Bayen, and B. De Schutter, "Integrated offline and online predictive control system within a base-parallel architecture," Tech. rep. 18-025, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2018. Submitted for publication. See also  (abstractbibtex)

  28. Z. Su, A. Jamshidi, A. Núñez, S. Baldi, and B. De Schutter, "Multi-level condition-based maintenance planning for railway infrastructures - A scenario-based chance-constrained approach," Transportation Research Part C, vol. 84, pp. 92-123, Nov. 2017.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  29. M.D. Doan, M. Diehl, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "A Jacobi decomposition algorithm for distributed convex optimization in distributed model predictive control," Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, pp. 4905-4911, July 2017.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  30. N. Groot, G. Zaccour, and B. De Schutter, "Hierarchical game theory for system-optimal control: Applications of reverse Stackelberg games in regulating marketing channels and traffic routing," IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 129-152, Apr. 2017.  (online paperbibtex)

  31. Z. Zhou, B. De Schutter, S. Lin, and Y. Xi, "Two-level hierarchical model-based predictive control for large-scale urban traffic networks," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 496-508, Mar. 2017.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  32. R. Luo, R. Bourdais, T.J.J. van den Boom, and B. De Schutter, "Multi-agent model predictive control based on resource allocation coordination for a class of hybrid systems with limited information sharing," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 58, pp. 123-133, Feb. 2017.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  33. S. Liu, A. Sadowska, H. Hellendoorn, and B. De Schutter, "Scenario-based distributed model predictive control for freeway networks," Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 1779-1784, Nov. 2016.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  34. P. Mc Namara, R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, G. Lightbody, and S. McLoone, "Distributed MPC for frequency regulation in multi-terminal HVDC grids," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 46, pp. 176-187, Jan. 2016.  (online paperbibtex)

  35. A. Firooznia, R. Bourdais, and B. De Schutter, "A distributed algorithm to determine lower and upper bounds in branch and bound for hybrid model predictive control," Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, pp. 1736-1741, Dec. 2015.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  36. R. Luo, R. Bourdais, T.J.J. van den Boom, and B. De Schutter, "Integration of resource allocation coordination and branch-and-bound," Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, pp. 4272-4277, Dec. 2015.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  37. R. Luo, R. Bourdais, T.J.J. van den Boom, and B. De Schutter, "Properties of applying a resource allocation coordination algorithm to optimization problems with discrete decision variables," Tech. rep. 15-025, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, Sept. 2015.  (abstractbibtexreport (pdf))

  38. J.M. Maestre, M.A. Ridao, A. Kozma, C. Savorgnan, M. Diehl, M.D. Doan, A. Sadowska, T. Keviczky, B. De Schutter, H. Scheu, W. Marquardt, F. Valencia, and J. Espinosa, "A comparison of distributed MPC schemes on a hydro-power plant benchmark," Optimal Control Applications and Methods, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 306-332, May-June 2015.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  39. A. Núñez, C. Ocampo-Martinez, J.M. Maestre, and B. De Schutter, "Time-varying scheme for noncentralized model predictive control of large-scale systems," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, 17 pp., 2015. Article ID 560702.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  40. A. Sadowska, B. De Schutter, and P.-J. van Overloop, "Delivery-oriented hierarchical predictive control of an irrigation canal: Event-driven versus time-driven approaches," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 1701-1716, 2015.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  41. A. Sadowska, P.J. van Overloop, C. Burt, and B. De Schutter, "Hierarchical MPC-based control of an irrigation canal," in Transport of Water versus Transport over Water - Exploring the Dynamic Interplay Between Transport and Water (C. Ocampo-Martinez and R. Negenborn, eds.), Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 169-187, 2015.  (online versionabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  42. F. Valencia, J.D. López, A. Núñez, C. Portilla, L.G. Cortes, J. Espinosa, and B. De Schutter, "Congestion management in motorways and urban networks through a bargaining-game-based coordination mechanism," in Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security - Traffic and Transportation (K. Hausken and J. Zhuang, eds.), Series in Reliability Engineering, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 1-40, 2015.  (online versionabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  43. Z. Zhou, B. De Schutter, S. Lin, and Y. Xi, "Multi-agent model-based predictive control for large-scale urban traffic networks using a serial scheme," IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 475-484, 2015.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  44. A. Sadowska, P.-J. van Overloop, C. Burt, and B. De Schutter, "Hierarchical operation of water level controllers: Formal analysis and application on a large scale irrigation canal," Water Resources Management, vol. 28, no. 14, pp. 4999-5019, Nov. 2014.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  45. L. Li, R.R. Negenborn, and B. De Schutter, "Multi-agent cooperative transport planning of intermodal freight transport," Proceedings of the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014), Qingdao, China, pp. 2465-2471, Oct. 2014.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  46. H. Majid, M. Hajiahmadi, B. De Schutter, H. Abouaïssa, and D. Jolly, "Distributed model predictive control of freeway traffic networks: A serial partially cooperative approach," Proceedings of the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014), Qingdao, China, pp. 1876-1881, Oct. 2014.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  47. A. Sadowska, B. De Schutter, and P.-J. van Overloop, "Hierarchical control of irrigation canals in the presence of disturbances: Framework and comparison," Proceedings of the 2014 European Control Conference, Strasbourg, France, pp. 1349-1354, June 2014.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  48. M.D. Doan, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "A hierarchical MPC approach with guaranteed feasibility for dynamically coupled linear systems," in Distributed Model Predictive Control Made Easy (R.R. Negenborn and J.M. Maestre, eds.), vol. 69 of Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, ISBN 978-94-007-7005-8, pp. 393-406, 2014.  (online versionabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  49. Z. Cong, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuska, "Ant colony routing algorithm for freeway networks," Transportation Research Part C, vol. 37, pp. 1-19, Dec. 2013.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  50. I. Necoara, V. Nedelcu, T. Keviczky, M.D. Doan, and B. De Schutter, "Linear model predictive control based on approximate optimal control inputs and constraint tightening," Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, pp. 7728-7733, Dec. 2013.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  51. Y. Zeinaly, B. De Schutter, and H. Hellendoorn, "Towards a robust multi-level control approach for baggage handling systems," Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, pp. 281-287, Dec. 2013.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  52. M.D. Doan, P. Giselsson, T. Keviczky, B. De Schutter, and A. Rantzer, "A distributed accelerated gradient algorithm for distributed model predictive control of a hydro power valley," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1594-1605, Nov. 2013.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  53. A. Núñez, C. Ocampo-Martinez, B. De Schutter, F. Valencia, J.D. López, and J. Espinosa, "A multiobjective-based switching topology for hierarchical model predictive control applied to a hydro-power valley," Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Science (ICONS 2013), Chengdu, China, pp. 534-539, Sept. 2013.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  54. Z. Cong, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuska, "On the convergence of ant colony optimization with stench pheromone," 2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Cancún, Mexico, pp. 1876-1883, June 2013.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  55. A. Sadowska, B. De Schutter, and P.-J. van Overloop, "Event-driven hierarchical control of irrigation canals," Proceedings of the USCID Seventh International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 457-471, Apr. 2013.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  56. P. Giselsson, M.D. Doan, T. Keviczky, B. De Schutter, and A. Rantzer, "Accelerated gradient methods and dual decomposition in distributed model predictive control," Automatica, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 829-833, Mar. 2013.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  57. P. Mc Namara, R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and G. Lightbody, "Optimal coordination of a multiple HVDC link system using centralized and distributed control," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 302-314, Mar. 2013.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  58. P. Mc Namara, R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and G. Lightbody, "Weight optimisation for iterative distributed model predictive control applied to power networks," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 532-543, Jan. 2013.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  59. S. Roshany-Yamchi, M. Cychowski, R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, K. Delaney, and J. Connell, "Kalman filter-based distributed predictive control of large-scale multi-rate systems: Application to power networks," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 27-39, Jan. 2013.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  60. J.M. Maestre, L. Raso, P.J. van Overloop, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed tree-based model predictive control on a drainage water system," Journal of Hydroinformatics, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 335-347, 2013.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  61. Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Control of a string of identical pools using non-identical feedback controllers," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1638-1646, Nov. 2012.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  62. M.D. Doan, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "Application of distributed and hierarchical model predictive control in hydro power valleys," Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, pp. 375-383, Aug. 2012.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  63. J.M. Maestre, M.D. Doan, D. Muñoz de la Peña, P.J. van Overloop, T. Keviczky, M.A. Ridao, and B. De Schutter, "Benchmarking the operation of a hydro power network through the application of agent-based model predictive controllers," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2012), Hamburg, Germany, 8 pp., July 2012. Paper HIC2012_0338.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  64. Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "A robust feasibility problem for the design of a reference governor," Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference, Montréal, Canada, pp. 6745-6750, June 2012.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  65. J.M. Maestre, L. Raso, P.J. van Overloop, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed tree-based model predictive control on an open water system," Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference, Montréal, Canada, pp. 1985-1990, June 2012.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  66. M. Rinaldi, L. Capisani, A. Ferrara, A. Núñez, M. Hajiahmadi, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed identification of the cell transmission traffic model: A case study," Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference, Montréal, Canada, pp. 6545-6550, June 2012.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  67. P. Giselsson, M.D. Doan, T. Keviczky, B. De Schutter, and A. Rantzer, "A distributed optimization algorithm with convergence rate O(1/k2) for distributed model predictive control," Tech. rep. 12-011, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, Mar. 2012.  (abstractbibtexreport (pdf))

  68. B. De Schutter, J. Ploeg, L.D. Baskar, G. Naus, and H. Nijmeijer, "Hierarchical, intelligent and automatic controls," Chapter 5 in Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles (A. Eskandarian, ed.), London, UK: Springer, ISBN 978-0-85729-084-7, pp. 81-116, 2012.  (online versionabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  69. A.N. Tarau, B. De Schutter, and H. Hellendoorn, "Hierarchical model-based control for automated baggage handling systems," Chapter 15 in Distributed Decision Making and Control (R. Johansson and A. Rantzer, eds.), vol. 417 of Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, London: Springer, ISBN 978-1-4471-2264-7, pp. 359-386, 2012.  (online versionabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  70. M.D. Doan, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "A distributed optimization-based approach for hierarchical MPC of large-scale systems with coupled dynamics and constraints," Proceedings of the 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), Orlando, Florida, pp. 5236-5241, Dec. 2011.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  71. Z. Cong, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuska, "A new ant colony routing approach with a trade-off between system and user optimum," Proceedings of the 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2011), Washington, DC, pp. 1369-1374, Oct. 2011.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  72. Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Stability and performance analysis of an irrigation channel with distributed control," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1147-1156, Oct. 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  73. M.D. Doan, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "A distributed optimization-based approach for hierarchical model predictive control of large-scale systems with coupled dynamics and constraints: Extended report," Tech. rep. 11-039, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 8 pp., Aug. 2011. A short version of this paper has been published in the Proceedings of the 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), Orlando, Florida, pp. 5236-5241, Dec. 2011.  (abstractbibtexreport (pdf))

  74. M.D. Doan, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "A dual decomposition-based optimization method with guaranteed primal feasibility for hierarchical MPC problems," Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 392-397, Aug.-Sept. 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  75. Zs. Lendek, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Stability analysis and observer design for string-connected TS systems," Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 12795-12800, Aug.-Sept. 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  76. Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Fixed-profile load scheduling for large-scale irrigation channels," Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 1570-1576, Aug.-Sept. 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  77. P. Mc Namara, R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and G. Lightbody, "Coordination of a multiple link HVDC system using local communications based distributed model predictive control," Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 1558-1563, Aug.-Sept. 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  78. S. Roshany-Yamchi, R.R. Negenborn, M. Cychowski, B. De Schutter, J. Connell, and K. Delaney, "Distributed model predictive control and estimation of large-scale multi-rate systems," Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 416-422, Aug.-Sept. 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  79. F. Valencia, J.J. Espinosa, B. De Schutter, and K. Stanková, "Feasible-cooperation distributed model predictive control scheme based on game theory," Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 386-391, Aug.-Sept. 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  80. J. van Ast, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Convergence analysis of ant colony learning," Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, pp. 14693-14698, Aug.-Sept. 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  81. Zs. Lendek, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Sequential stability analysis and observer design for distributed TS fuzzy systems," Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 174, no. 1, pp. 1-30, July 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  82. I. Alvarado, D. Limon, D. Muñoz de la Peña, J.M. Maestre, M.A. Ridao, H. Scheu, W. Marquardt, R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, F. Valencia, and J. Espinosa, "A comparative analysis of distributed MPC techniques applied to the HD-MPC four-tank benchmark," Journal of Process Control, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 800-815, June 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  83. M.D. Doan, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "An iterative scheme for distributed model predictive control using Fenchel's duality," Journal of Process Control, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 746-755, June 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  84. B. De Schutter and R. Scattolini, "Introduction to the special issue on hierarchical and distributed model predictive control," Journal of Process Control, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 683-684, June 2011.  (online versionabstractbibtex)

  85. K. Stanková and B. De Schutter, "Stackelberg equilibria for discrete-time dynamic games - Part I: Deterministic games," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 249-254, Apr. 2011.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  86. K. Stanková and B. De Schutter, "Stackelberg equilibria for discrete-time dynamic games - Part II: Stochastic games with deterministic information structure," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 255-260, Apr. 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  87. A.N. Tarau, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Hierarchical route control in DCV-based baggage handling systems," International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, vol. 6, no. 1/2, pp. 5-29, Jan. 2011.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  88. Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Control of a string of identical pools using non-identical feedback controllers," Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 120-125, Dec. 2010.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  89. K. Stanková, G.J. Olsder, and B. De Schutter, "On European electricity market liberalization: A game-theoretic approach," INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 267-280, Nov. 2010.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  90. D. Alves, J. van Ast, Z. Cong, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuska, "Ant colony optimization for traffic dispersion routing," Proceedings of the 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2010), Madeira Island, Portugal, pp. 683-688, Sept. 2010.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  91. L.D. Baskar, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Hierarchical model-based predictive control for intelligent vehicle highway systems: Regional controllers," Proceedings of the 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2010), Madeira Island, Portugal, pp. 249-254, Sept. 2010.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  92. Y. Li, J. Alende, M. Cantoni, and B. De Schutter, "Decomposition of a fixed-profile load scheduling method for large-scale irrigation channels," Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 2166-2171, Sept. 2010.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  93. Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Performance analysis of irrigation channels with distributed control," Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 2148-2153, Sept. 2010.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  94. R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and P.-J. van Overloop, "Coordination of local controllers in large-scale water systems," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2010), Tianjin, China, pp. 2178-2185, Sept. 2010.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  95. A. Núñez, B. De Schutter, D. Sáez, and C.E. Cortés, "Hierarchical multiobjective model predictive control applied to a dynamic pickup and delivery problem," Proceedings of the 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2010), Madeira Island, Portugal, pp. 1553-1558, Sept. 2010.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  96. K. Stanková and B. De Schutter, "First steps towards finding a solution of a dynamic investor-bank game," Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 2065-2070, Sept. 2010.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  97. M.D. Doan, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "An improved distributed version of Han's method for distributed MPC of canal systems," Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, July 2010.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  98. J. van Ast, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Generalized pheromone update for ant colony learning in continuous state spaces," Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2010), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 2617-2624, July 2010.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  99. S. Leirens, C. Zamora, R.R. Negenborn, and B. De Schutter, "Coordination in urban water supply networks using distributed model predictive control," Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, pp. 3957-3962, June-July 2010.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  100. Y. Li and B. De Schutter, "Offtake feedforward compensator design for an irrigation channel with distributed control," Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, pp. 3747-3752, June-July 2010.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  101. A.N. Tarau, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "DCV route control in baggage handling systems using a hierarchical control architecture and mixed integer linear programming," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2010), Casablanca, Morocco, 12 pp., Apr. 2010.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  102. A. Kozma, C. Savorgnan, R. Negenborn, and B. De Schutter, "Report on or proceedings of a special session at an international conference," Deliverable D8.2.1, European FP7 STREP project HD-MPC, 16 pp., Feb. 2010.  (bibtex)

  103. M. Arnold, R.R. Negenborn, G. Andersson, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed predictive control for energy hub coordination in coupled electricity and gas networks," Chapter 10 in Intelligent Infrastructures (R.R. Negenborn, Z. Lukszo, and H. Hellendoorn, eds.), vol. 42 of Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-3598-1, pp. 235-273, 2010.  (online versionabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  104. L. Busoniu, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Multi-agent reinforcement learning: An overview," Chapter 7 in Innovations in Multi-Agent Systems and Applications - 1 (D. Srinivasan and L.C. Jain, eds.), vol. 310 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 183-221, 2010.  (online versionabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  105. R.R. Negenborn, G. Hug-Glanzmann, B. De Schutter, and G. Andersson, "A novel coordination strategy for multi-agent control using overlapping subnetworks with application to power systems," in Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems (J. Mohammadpour and K.M. Grigoriadis, eds.), New York, New York: Springer, ISBN 978-1-4419-5756-6, pp. 251-278, 2010.  (online versionabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  106. J.M. van Ast, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Ant colony learning algorithm for optimal control," in Interactive Collaborative Information Systems (R. Babuska and F.C.A. Groen, eds.), vol. 281 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Berlin, Germany: Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-11687-2, pp. 155-182, 2010.  (online versionabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  107. H. Scheu, J.C. Calderón, D. Doan, J.F. García, R. Negenborn, A. Tarau, F.V. Arroyave, B. De Schutter, J.J. Espinosa, and W. Marquardt, "Report on assessment of existing coordination mechanisms for simple case studies, and on possible options for improving and extending these coordination mechanisms," Deliverable D3.3.1, European FP7 STREP project HD-MPC, 30 pp., Dec. 2009.  (bibtex)

  108. R.R. Negenborn, A. Sahin, Z. Lukszo, B. De Schutter, and M. Morari, "A non-iterative cascaded predictive control approach for control of irrigation canals," Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 3652-3657, Oct. 2009.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  109. A.N. Tarau, B. De Schutter, and H. Hellendoorn, "Hierarchical route choice control for baggage handling systems," Proceedings of the 12th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2009), St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 679-684, Oct. 2009.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  110. R.T. van Katwijk, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Multi-agent control of traffic networks: Algorithm and case study," Proceedings of the 12th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2009), St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 316-321, Oct. 2009.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  111. D. Doan, T. Keviczky, I. Necoara, M. Diehl, and B. De Schutter, "A distributed version of Han's method for DMPC of dynamically coupled systems with coupled constraints," Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems (NecSys 2009), Venice, Italy, pp. 240-245, Sept. 2009.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  112. R.T. van Katwijk and B. De Schutter, "Multi-agent control of urban networks - Algorithm and case study," Proceedings of the 16th ITS World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, Sept. 2009. Paper 3017.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  113. M. Arnold, R.R. Negenborn, G. Andersson, and B. De Schutter, "Multi-area predictive control for combined electricity and natural gas systems," Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1408-1413, Aug. 2009.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  114. D. Doan, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "Overview, toolbox and tutorial manual of existing state-of-the-art distributed optimization algorithms," Deliverable D4.1.2, European FP7 STREP project HD-MPC, 17 pp., Aug. 2009.  (bibtex)

  115. R.R. Negenborn, P.-J. van Overloop, and B. De Schutter, "Coordinated distributed model predictive reach control of irrigation canals," Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1420-1425, Aug. 2009.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  116. R.R. Negenborn, S. Leirens, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Supervisory nonlinear MPC for emergency voltage control using pattern search," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 841-848, July 2009.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  117. R.R. Negenborn, P.-J. van Overloop, T. Keviczky, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed model predictive control of irrigation canals," Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 359-380, June 2009.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  118. J. van Ast, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Fuzzy ant colony optimization for optimal control," Proceedings of the 2009 American Control Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 1003-1008, June 2009.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  119. D. Doan, T. Keviczky, I. Necoara, M. Diehl, and B. De Schutter, "A distributed version of Han's method for DMPC using local communications only," Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, Special Issue on Distributed Control in Networked Systems, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 6-15, 2009.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  120. J.M. van Ast, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Novel ant colony optimization approach to optimal control," International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 414-434, 2009.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  121. M. Arnold, R.R. Negenborn, G. Andersson, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed control applied to combined electricity and natural gas infrastructures," Proceedings of the International Conference on Infrastructure Systems 2008: Building Networks for a Brighter Future, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6 pp., Nov. 2008. Paper 172.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  122. R.R. Negenborn and B. De Schutter, "A distributed model predictive control approach for the control of irrigation canals," Proceedings of the International Conference on Infrastructure Systems 2008: Building Networks for a Brighter Future, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6 pp., Nov. 2008. Paper 152.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  123. R.T. van Katwijk, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Multi-agent coordination of traffic control instruments," Proceedings of the International Conference on Infrastructure Systems 2008: Building Networks for a Brighter Future, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6 pp., Nov. 2008. Paper 141.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  124. A. Tarau, B. De Schutter, and H. Hellendoorn, "Route choice control for DCVs in baggage handling systems - Comparison between centralized and decentralized approaches," Proceedings of the 10th TRAIL Congress 2008 - TRAIL in Perspective - CD-ROM, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 14 pp., Oct. 2008.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  125. J. van Ast, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Particle swarms in optimization and control," Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pp. 5131-5136, July 2008.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  126. J. van Ast, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "A general modeling framework for swarms," Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2008), Hong Kong, pp. 3796-3801, June 2008.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  127. J. van Ast, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Ant colony optimization for optimal control," Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2008), Hong Kong, pp. 2040-2046, June 2008.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  128. R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Multi-agent model predictive control for transportation networks: Serial versus parallel schemes," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 353-366, Apr. 2008.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  129. L. Busoniu, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "A comprehensive survey of multi-agent reinforcement learning," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 156-172, Mar. 2008.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  130. G. Hug-Glanzmann, R. Negenborn, G. Andersson, B. De Schutter, and H. Hellendoorn, "Multi-area control of overlapping areas in power systems for FACTS control," Proceedings of Power Tech 2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, 6 pp., July 2007. Paper 277.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  131. Zs. Lendek, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Distributed Kalman filtering for multiagent systems," Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2007 (ECC'07), Kos, Greece, pp. 2193-2200, July 2007.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  132. L.D. Baskar, B. De Schutter, and H. Hellendoorn, "Hierarchical traffic control and management with intelligent vehicles," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'07), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 834-839, June 2007.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  133. J. van Ast, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Self-organizing moving agents: A survey," Tech. rep. 07-021, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 42 pp., May 2007.  (abstractbibtex)

  134. R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Efficient implementation of serial multi-agent model predictive control by parallelization," Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC '07), London, UK, pp. 175-180, Apr. 2007.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  135. A. Tarau, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Multi-agent control of large-scale transportation systems: A survey," Tech. rep. 07-016, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 51 pp., Mar. 2007.  (abstractbibtex)

  136. L.D. Baskar, B. De Schutter, H. Hellendoorn, Z. Papp, and T.J.J. van den Boom, "Hierarchical traffic control and management with intelligent vehicles: A survey," Tech. rep. 06-040, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 73 pp., Feb. 2007.  (abstractbibtex)

  137. L. Busoniu, R. Babuska, and B. De Schutter, "Multi-agent reinforcement learning: A survey," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2006), Singapore, pp. 527-532, Dec. 2006.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  138. L. Busoniu, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuska, "Decentralized reinforcement learning control of a robotic manipulator," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2006), Singapore, pp. 1347-1352, Dec. 2006.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  139. A. Tarau, B. De Schutter, and H. Hellendoorn, "Multi-agent controllers for large-scale transportation systems - Application to postal automation," Proceedings of the 9th TRAIL Congress 2006 - TRAIL in Motion - CD-ROM, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 12 pp., Nov. 2006.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  140. R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and H. Hellendoorn, "Multi-agent model predictive control for transportation networks with continuous and discrete elements," Proceedings of the 11th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 609-614, Aug. 2006.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  141. R. Babuska, L. Busoniu, and B. De Schutter, "Reinforcement learning for multi-agent systems," Tech. rep. 06-041, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, 7 pp., July 2006. Paper for a keynote presentation at the 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2006), Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 2006.  (abstractbibtexreport (pdf))

  142. R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and H. Hellendoorn, "Multi-agent model predictive control for transportation networks: Serial versus parallel schemes," Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM'2006), Saint-Etienne, France, pp. 339-344, May 2006.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  143. R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and H. Hellendoorn, "Multi-agent model predictive control of transportation networks," Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC 2006), Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, pp. 296-301, Apr. 2006.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  144. Z. Lukszo, M.P.C. Weijnen, R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and M. Ilic, "Challenges for process system engineering in infrastructure operation and control," in 16th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering and 9th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, July 2006) (W. Marquardt and C. Pantelides, eds.), vol. 21 of Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-444-52969-5, pp. 95-100, 2006.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  145. L. Busoniu, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuska, "Learning and coordination in dynamic multiagent systems," Tech. rep. 05-019, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 98 pp., Oct. 2005.  (abstractbibtexreport (pdf))

  146. L. Busoniu, B. De Schutter, and R. Babuska, "Multiagent reinforcement learning with adaptive state focus," Proceedings of the 17th Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2005) (K. Verbeeck, K. Tuyls, A. Nowé, B. Manderick, and B. Kuijpers, eds.), Brussels, Belgium, pp. 35-42, Oct. 2005.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  147. R.T. van Katwijk, P. van Koningsbruggen, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "A test bed for multi-agent control systems in road traffic management," Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 22 pp., Jan. 2005. Paper 05-0774.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  148. R.T. van Katwijk, P. van Koningsbruggen, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "A test bed for multi-agent control systems in road traffic management," in Applications of Agent Technology in Traffic and Transportation (F. Klügl, A. Bazzan, and S. Ossowski, eds.), Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies, Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser Verlag, ISBN 3-7643-7258-3, pp. 113-131, 2005.  (online versionabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  149. R.T. van Katwijk, P. van Koningsbruggen, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Test bed for multiagent control systems in road traffic management," Transportation Research Record, no. 1910, pp. 108-115, 2005.  (online paperabstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  150. R.R. Negenborn, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "Multi-agent model predictive control: A survey," Tech. rep. 04-010, Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 23 pp., Dec. 2004.  (abstractbibtex)

  151. R.T. van Katwijk, P. van Koningsbruggen, B. De Schutter, and J. Hellendoorn, "A test bed for multi-agent control systems in road traffic management," Proceedings of the 8th TRAIL Congress 2004 - A World of Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics - Selected Papers (P.H.L. Bovy, ed.), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 309-329, Nov. 2004.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

  152. B. De Schutter, S.P. Hoogendoorn, H. Schuurman, and S. Stramigioli, "A multi-agent case-based traffic control scenario evaluation system," Proceedings of the IEEE 6th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC'03), Shanghai, China, pp. 678-683, Oct. 2003.  (abstractbibtextech. rep. (pdf))

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