Distributed adaptive synchronization in Euler Lagrange networks with uncertain interconnections


T. Tao, S. Roy, B. De Schutter, and S. Baldi, "Distributed adaptive synchronization in Euler Lagrange networks with uncertain interconnections," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 1081-1088, Feb. 2024.


In this work we propose a new practical synchronization protocol for multiple Euler Lagrange (EL) systems without structural linear-in-the-parameters (LIP) knowledge of the uncertainty and where the agents can be interconnected before control design by unknown state-dependent interconnection terms. This setting is meant to overcome two standard a priori assumptions in the literature concerning uncertainty with LIP structure and absence of interaction among agents before designing the synchronization protocol. To overcome these assumptions, we propose an adaptive distributed control mechanism having the purpose of estimating the coefficients of the resulting state-dependent uncertainty structure.


Bibtex entry:

author={T. Tao and S. Roy and B. {D}e Schutter and S. Baldi},
title={Distributed adaptive synchronization in {Euler} {Lagrange} networks with uncertain interconnections},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},

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