M. Ubbens and B. De Schutter, "Optimal control of offshore wind farm collector systems during outages," Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Glasgow, UK, 6 pp., Oct.-Nov. 2023.Abstract:
Two optimization-based approaches are proposed to optimize the power routing and turbine setpoints of offshore wind farm (OWF) collector systems during cable outages. The open-loop control strategy assumes that the network can only be reconfigured at the beginning of the outage. In contrast, the receding horizon control strategy is deployed in real time, leveraging cable temperature measurements and power forecasts to derive optimal control actions dynamically. Simulation results concerning occurred outages at an existing OWF prove the practical applicability of the novel approaches and show that both strategies outperform existing approaches.Downloads:
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