A traffic responsive control framework for signalized junctions based on hybrid traffic flow representation


F. Storani, R. Di Pace, and B. De Schutter, "A traffic responsive control framework for signalized junctions based on hybrid traffic flow representation," Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 606-625, 2023.


The paper proposes a traffic responsive control framework based on a Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach. The framework focuses on a centralised method, which can simultaneously compute the network decision variables (i.e., the green timings at each junction and the offset of the traffic light plans of the network). Furthermore, the framework is based on a hybrid traffic flow model operating as a prediction model and plant model in the control procedure. The hybrid traffic flow model combines two sub-models: an aggregate model (i.e., the Cell Transmission Model; CTM) and a disaggregate model (i.e., the Cellular Automata model; CA), using a transition cell to connect them. The whole framework is tested on a signalised arterial, performing several analyses to calibrate the MPC strategy and evaluate the traffic control approach using fixed and adaptive control strategies. All analyses are made in terms of total time spent, network total delay, queue lengths and degree of saturation.


Bibtex entry:

author={F. Storani and R. {D}i Pace and B. {D}e Schutter},
title={A traffic responsive control framework for signalized junctions based on hybrid traffic flow representation},
journal={Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems},

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