Predictive maintenance scheduling in twice re-entrant flow shops with relative due dates


E.-A. Eigbe, B. De Schutter, M. Nasri, and N. Yorke-Smith, "Predictive maintenance scheduling in twice re-entrant flow shops with relative due dates," Proceedings of the 15th Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop (SPARK) - ICAPS 2022 Workshop, (Virtual), 8 pp., June 2022. Paper 3.


Predictive maintenance is important for overall equipment effectiveness in a production process. This paper studies scheduling predictive maintenance in flow shops with re-entrancy and due dates. We propose a method to integrate maintenance operations on the re-entrant machine in any schedule produced by a list scheduling algorithm, provided we have knowledge of how the health status of the machine evolves. Additionally, we introduce a schedule repair strategy for instances where schedules become infeasible as a result of due date violations resulting from the insertion of maintenance operations. Our generic approach is evaluated on an industrial use case. The results demonstrate that integrated maintenance and production planning increases the productivity of the process while remaining applicable for online scheduling.


Bibtex entry:

author={E.-A. Eigbe and B. {D}e Schutter and M. Nasri and N. Yorke-Smith},
title={Predictive maintenance scheduling in twice re-entrant flow shops with relative due dates},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 15th Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop (SPARK) --- ICAPS 2022 Workshop},
note={Paper 3}

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