Nonlinear systems with uncertain periodically disturbed control gain functions: Adaptive fuzzy control with invariance properties


M. Lv, B. De Schutter, W. Yu, W. Zhang, and S. Baldi, "Nonlinear systems with uncertain periodically disturbed control gain functions: Adaptive fuzzy control with invariance properties," IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 746-757, Apr. 2020.


This paper proposes a novel adaptive fuzzy dynamic surface control (DSC) method for an extended class of periodically disturbed strict-feedback nonlinear systems. The peculiarity of this extended class is that the control gain functions are not bounded a priori but simply taken to be continuous and with a known sign. In contrast with existing strategies, controllability must be guaranteed by constructing appropriate compact sets ensuring that all trajectories in the closed-loop system never leave these sets. We manage to do this by means of invariant set theory in combination with Lyapunov theory. In other words, boundedness is achieved a posteriori as a result of stability analysis. The approximator composed of fuzzy logic systems (FLSs) and Fourier series expansion (FSE) is constructed to deal with the unknown periodic disturbance terms.


Bibtex entry:

author={M. Lv and B. {D}e Schutter and W. Yu and W. Zhang and S. Baldi},
title={Nonlinear systems with uncertain periodically disturbed control gain functions: Adaptive fuzzy control with invariance properties},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems},

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