Corrections to "Model predictive control for stochastic max-plus linear systems with chance constraints", [IEEE Trans. on Aut. Control, 64(1): 337-342, 2019]


T.J.J. van den Boom, J. Xu, and B. De Schutter, "Corrections to "Model predictive control for stochastic max-plus linear systems with chance constraints", [IEEE Trans. on Aut. Control, 64(1): 337-342, 2019]," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 905-906, Feb. 2020.


This paper discusses two issues in connection with the article "Model predictive control for stochastic max-plus linear systems with chance constraints" by J. Xu, T.J.J van den Boom, and B. De Schutter ([IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 337-342, 2019), namely an error in Proposition 7 and the assumption that the covariance matrix in the chance constraint is positive definite. First we will discuss and correct the error in Proposition 7. Subsequently, we will consider a relaxation of the assumption in Proposition 7 and give a less restrictive and less conservative reformulation of the proposition.


Original paper:

Bibtex entry:

author={T.J.J. van den Boom and J. Xu and B. {D}e Schutter},
title={Corrections to ``{Model} predictive control for stochastic max-plus linear systems with chance constraints'', [{IEEE Trans.\ on Aut.\ Control}, 64(1): 337--342, 2019]},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},

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